Coastlines Waning: All for a few extra sunbeds
COASTLINE(S) WANING: All for a few extra sunbeds stands as a poignant critique and commentary on the perilous environmental predicament surrounding the coastlines of Cyprus. This project unveils the profound repercussions of human greed, materialism and apathy towards the natural environment, particularly illuminating the nexus of political and economic interests that precipitate into the desolation of our coastal ecosystems.
Coast Lines Waning is implemented by Visual Voices in cooperation with the Allianz Foundation.
#CoastLinesWaning #ProtectCyprusCoastlines #PreserveOurCoastlines #ClimateCultures #ForALivingPlanet#visualvoicesforpeace #AllianzFoundation #EnvironmentalAwareness
Project Credits:
Nurtane Karagil: Artist
Korallia Stergides: Artist
Nicolas Karatzas: Photography & Video Production
Ozan Tezvaran: Graphic Design, Animations, Social Media Expert
Special Thanks go to:
Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre, AKTI Project and Research Centre, MASDER, and Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI) for their invaluable contributions through their collaborative engagement with workshops.

Showcase Poster & Concept: